Posts in Furniture
Four Good Reasons to Reupholster Your Furniture

To Reupholster or Not to Reupholster, That is the Question

One of the questions clients ask most frequently is whether they should reupholster an existing piece of furniture or buy something new.

Reupholstering can be expensive, in some cases nearing the cost of buying a new piece. However, if a client answers “yes” to any of the following questions, I always recommend reupholstering.

Does It Have Sentimental Value?

This is the easiest of all the reasons to retain a piece of furniture and reupholster it. The personal provenance or origin of a piece of furniture can’t be replicated. Your grandmother’s chair evokes a memory and carries a story with it. It adds soul to your space. Who wants a room filled with one manufacturers matching pieces?

Vintage or patina elements are what make a room interesting, warm and approachable. So if your favorite aunt’s chair is ripped, wrinkled or covered in an ungainly pattern, don’t throw it out, select a fabulous fabric and reupholster. You and your heirs will be glad you did.

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