Never Underestimate the Power of a Fabulous Lampshade

Study any beautiful interior and you will discover layers of stylish details that together create a finished room. Frequently overlooked, lampshades are an easy way to introduce pattern, color and personality to a space. If you are looking for a small change that will elevate your room — consider swapping out your basic shade for a new statement piece.

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Jennifer LeonardComment
Five Tips for Setting a Gorgeous Table

I believe that thoughtful, beautiful interiors enhance our wellness and happiness. And I think the same is true of a gorgeous table setting. The way you set your table can influence how you and your guests feel, behave and experience a meal. So why not create a beautiful, cheery table to welcome your guests and celebrate every day living?

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Four Good Reasons to Reupholster Your Furniture

To Reupholster or Not to Reupholster, That is the Question

One of the questions clients ask most frequently is whether they should reupholster an existing piece of furniture or buy something new.

Reupholstering can be expensive, in some cases nearing the cost of buying a new piece. However, if a client answers “yes” to any of the following questions, I always recommend reupholstering.

Does It Have Sentimental Value?

This is the easiest of all the reasons to retain a piece of furniture and reupholster it. The personal provenance or origin of a piece of furniture can’t be replicated. Your grandmother’s chair evokes a memory and carries a story with it. It adds soul to your space. Who wants a room filled with one manufacturers matching pieces?

Vintage or patina elements are what make a room interesting, warm and approachable. So if your favorite aunt’s chair is ripped, wrinkled or covered in an ungainly pattern, don’t throw it out, select a fabulous fabric and reupholster. You and your heirs will be glad you did.

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How a Table Skirt Can Add Glamour to a Room

Looking for an easy and affordable way to elevate your decor style? Add a table skirt to any room and instantly up your design game.

Table skirts have long been considered a classic design element. Think Dorothy Draper, Sister Parish and David Hicks. These days however, table skirts are not just for the traditional or formal home.

Enhance Your Design Style With a Table Skirt

Table skirts can be fresh, elegant, modern, bohemian or casual. They are a versatile way to add a layer of pattern, texture and color to any room. Unlike the cost and commitment of selecting your sofa or chair upholstery, a table skirt can be easily changed or repurposed.

Practical Benefits of Using a Table Skirt

And practically speaking, table skirts also offer great concealed storage. Ideal for small spaces. They are also an easy way to dress up - okay hide - a tired piece of furniture.

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The Dish on Decorating with Plates

I have come around on decorating with plates.

For many years, I could not shake the dull and uninspired images of my Grandmother’s generation’s dining rooms: Dark and serious rooms anchored with an oversized hutch stuffed with good china to be used only on special occasions. Then there was usually a family heirloom plate or two on display. And although the plates were gorgeous, they somehow managed to look stodgy and boring in the ubiquitous setting.

Fast forward two generations or so, and now I can’t get enough of plates as decoration. What changed? The display location for one. Plates hung outside of the dining room - in an entryway, office, bedroom or a living room - can provide a fabulous fresh layer of unexpected color, shape and texture.

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Moving? Here Are Three Reasons You'll Need An Interior Decorator

You’ve Recently Moved into a New Home

You have just invested a good deal of money in your new dream home. The movers have left and you are standing in the middle of your belongings when a slow panic starts to set in.  You realize that some of your existing furniture doesn’t fit the scale of your new house, you are overwhelmed by the thought of selecting paint colors and window treatments, and you now realize that your style has changed since you furnished your last home – but you are not sure what your new style is.  Don’t stress and start binging on HGTV.  It is probably just a good time to consider hiring a professional interior decorator to help you create the home of your Pinterest dreams – a home that not only looks beautiful and is uniquely yours, but one that is also functional and practical to live in. 

Many people are intimidated by the idea of hiring an interior decorator. You might be worried about the design process or the cost of working with a design consultant. But working with a professional can actually save you money and time, while ensuring that you get the home you have always wanted.

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